The iron never lies
Welcome to Gym Iron Heart, the ultimate gym in Leeuwarden for everyone who wants to get involved in strength sports.
We are there for everyone! Whether you want to improve your fitness, look fitter, feel more energetic, be better balanced, train sustainably, or focus on powerlifting or bodybuilding? From absolute beginners to competition level, everyone can join us!
Are you looking for a challenging gym, motivated to work on your personal goals, do you like professional guidance that can support you with exercises, do you like motivating music, do you want to use magnesium when powerlifting, do you finally dare to take the step to the gym or are you looking for heavy dumbbells? Then you've come to the right place!
With lot of experience in personal training, lifestyle changes, nutritional advice, training schedules, up to strength competition guidance. Ask us about the possibilities.
Everyone is equal, trains together and respects each other.
Gym Iron Heart
Gym Ironheart
1000m2 GYM
Free parking
onderstaande prijzen gelden vanaf 1 januari 2025
year subscription
Unlimited sports for up to 25 years
** Promotional price for 1 year, after that, monthly cancellable
Year plan
Unlimited sports
Betaal 1 jaar vooruit en ontvang 50 euro korting
Family Plan
Unlimited sports
Maximaal 3 gezinsleden
10 workouts card
Wil je liever een rittenkaart? Dat is geen probleem! Deze is aan te vragen per 10 trainingen en kost € 80,-.
Single Ticket
Wil je eenmalig sporten?
Wij bieden ook een dagkaart aan t.w.v. €10,-.
* plus eenmalige inschrijfkosten van € 15,-
* Bedrijfsfitness abonnement gaat via BFNL, info hierover op de website.
* Wij bieden personal training aan. Vraag aan de balie naar de mogelijkheden.
Plan your trial lesson online here

Discount on MBN Supplement for gym members
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Opening hours
To get the most out of your growth, we are open every day!